13C Urea Breath Test H. Pylori Diagnosis(50mg)
This is a way to check for Helicobacter pylori infection.
The principle of the examination is that Helicobacter pylori can decompose urea and produce carbon dioxide. When a urea capsule labeled with 13 carbon enters the stomach, if there is Helicobacter pylori infection, it will decompose the urea to produce 13 carbon dioxide. . Urea breath test has great clinical significance and can diagnose gastric Helicobacter pylori infection.
The C13 breathing experiment uses Helicobacter bacteria to decompose urease and allows the patient to take a certain amount of C13 urea. If the patient is infected with Helicobacter pylori, the Helicobacter pylori urease will be taken C13 urea decomposes to produce carbon dioxide containing C13.
In addition, the patient's diet in daily life is mainly light and easy to digest food, and avoid eating seafood and spicy food.