13c ubt test kit for h.pylori
For Helicobacter pylori infection, attention should be paid to preventing infection to others, receiving medication, and avoiding irritating food.
Helicobacter pylori is a special kind of bacteria that can survive and multiply in the strong acid environment of the human stomach, and can survive in the gastric juice for a long time, causing repeated infections of the gastric mucosa, and may also cause chronic stomach problems such as gastritis and gastric ulcers. disease.
Helicobacter pylori is mainly spread through mouth and mouth and feces. Patients should not eat or kiss at the same table with other people, and wash their hands frequently to prevent the disease from spreading to family members or other people.
In addition, the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection can be confirmed by 13c ubt breath tests.
Richen supplier 13c ubt test kit and 13c infrared spectrometer for h.pylori infection. 13c ubt breath test has safe, non-radioactive, rapid detection features, suitable for the elderly, children and pregnant women.