Rapid stomach disease ubt test
Richen supply 13c ubt rapid test for stomach hp disease. 13c ubt rapid test is a common method for diagnositc hp.
Stomach disease H.pylori is contagious. When the stomach is infected by H.pylori, it is not only more likely to suffer from gastric diseases, but also gastric diseases will occur repeatedly, which seriously affects the function and health of the digestive system. H.pylori is also contagious. Therefore, if one person in the family has this disease, the others have a high possibility of getting the disease. Patients who are diagnosed with H.pylori infection should use themselves alone while being treated. Tableware, because H.pylori has a certain possibility of attaching to the tableware, when others use this pair of tableware, it will cause Hp infection.
How we prevent stomach hp disease infection in our daily life?
Prevention of H.pylori infection is mainly from the following three aspects:
The first aspect is if it exists, Helicobacter pylori infection. If there is no emergency or conditions permit, it is best to actively eradicate Helicobacter pylori.
The second is Pay attention to personal food hygiene. Wash your hands before and after meals, then the tableware should be fully disinfected.
On the other hand, if conditions permit, you can adopt a split meal system.